Saturday, February 22, 2025

Hinduism is the fastest growing religion in Australia

With its rich history, culture, and artistic heritage, Hinduism is the fastest growing religion in Australia with a growing Hindu population in Australia with around 700,000 current followers.

Hinduism is a major world religion, with more than 1 billion followers. It originated in India thousands of years ago, and it spread slowly through the Indus valley, surrounding regions, and other parts of the world. Its influence can be sensed all around the world through language, culture, and civilization that has left its mark even in those places where Hindus don’t live anymore. In ancient times it was a significant religion that was widespread throughout the Indian subcontinent and other parts of the world.

So it is not at all surprising that Hinduism has become the fastest-growing major religion in Australia. We have all the latest data and numbers to show these findings. So let us take a look at them.

Hinduism is the fastest growing religion in Australia
Hinduism is the fastest growing religion in Australia – Hinduism in Australia

Religious affiliations in Australia

According to the latest census, these are the religious affiliation of Australians in 2021.

In 2021 more people have replied to the question which asks them about their religion. So in the year 2021, you have more accurate data of what are the religions of people residing within Australia.

In the year 2016 90.9% of people replied to the question What is their religion. This number has risen to 93.1% of the population which has given answers to the question of what is their religion. So let us find out what is the percentage of Hindu in Australia.

Australia population by religion

Major Religions of people in 2021 within Australia are –

43.9% follow Christianity

38.9% have no religion

3.2% follow Islam

2.7% follow Hinduism

2.4% follow Buddhism

So there is 2.7% of the population of Hinduism in Australia. This is the current standing of the Hindu population in Australia.

Major key findings from Australia census 2021 regarding religions

The latest Australian census numbers have some surprising findings. Some of the major key findings of religion in the 2021 census are as follows:

  • Christianity is now 1 million less in number within Australia but it is still the most dominating religion within Australia.
  • The percentage of people who used to say that they are Christians has now fallen below 50%
  • Other major religions still continue to grow.
  • This all signifies that Australia is now becoming more and more diverse.
  • Among major religions, Hinduism is the fastest growing religion in Australia.
  • Around 10 million Australians report that they have no religion.

Major changes in the religious affiliation of people

The religious affiliation of people within Australia has changed in the past few decades. The number of people who identify as Catholic, Protestant, and Anglican has declined while the number of people who identify as Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist has increased. Further, the percentage of people who identify as Catholic, Protestant, and Anglican has varied in recent decades. The decline of religious affiliation was most visible in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

In the last 50 years, the number of people who defined themselves as Christians has been declining rapidly. On the other hand, the number of people who says that they have no religion, their numbers are rising fast, especially in the last 20 years. Other religions are also growing at a good pace.

The fastest-growing religion from 2016 to 2021 in Australia is Yezidi. Yezidis are a very small religious community from Iraq who migrated from Iraq during various religious persecutions and reached different countries including Australia. There were only 63 Yezidis in Australia till 2016 but now they have grown to a number of 4123.

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Rise of Religions within Australia

Other than Christianity, the major religions throughout Australia are Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. The fastest growing religion in Australia is Hinduism mainly due to the rise in immigration. This rise in the number of Hindus in Australia is directly related to rising migration trends.

Islam wasn’t that big in Australia, but it is growing at a good pace mainly due to the fact that there are Australians who are born Muslim and due to the rise in migration from Muslim countries. Due to the increase in birth rates of Muslims within Australia and in other countries, Islam has become an increasingly popular religion both within Australia and around the world. Other major religions in Australia include Judaism, Sikhism, and Jainism.

There are also New Religious Movements within Australia: New Religions such as Jehovah’s Witness, Quakerism, Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDA), etc. are only one of many new religions that have been started in Australia. These new religions are relatively small in number.

Now let us see which is the fastest growing religion in australia.

Hinduism becomes the fastest growing religion in Australia

Hinduism is a religion of the Indian subcontinent. It has been in existence for at least more than 10,000 years and is one of the largest religions in the world. It is also known as Sanatan Dharma. It is practiced by more than a billion people. Hinduism teaches that there exists one supreme being, Brahma (also known as Brahman). There are many different sects within Hinduism but they all have common beliefs and practices, and most importantly, they follow the same path to enlightenment.

Hinduism is the fastest growing religion in Australia
Hinduism is the fastest growing religion in Australia

In the 21st century, Hinduism is becoming more and more popular in western countries. The same is true for Australia. Hinduism has become the fastest growing religion in Australia. There has been a significant rise in the Hindu population in the last few decades in Australia.

The population of Hindus in different times within Australia –

YearHindu Population in numbers
Rise in Hinduism from the Year 1996 to 2021

Why is Hinduism the fastest growing religion in Australia

In the time period 2016 to 2021, there has been an increase of 243700 Hindus within Australia. Most of this increase is due to the Migration of Hindus from India and Nepal to Australia. The state which has the highest growth rate of Hinduism changed from 2016 to 2021 in Tasmania.

In 2016 there were only 0.5 % of people identified themselves as Hindus within Tasmania. This number has risen to 1.5 % of the people who are now identifying themselves as Hindu in Tasmania. most of these Hindus are migrants from India and Nepal.

Australia Hindu percentage

According to the census which was conducted in the year 2021, there are currently 2.7% Hindus residing in Australia.


Sikhism is a religion founded by the 14th-century Sikh Guru Nanak Dev Ji. It was founded on the principles of equality and non-violence. Sikhs are a religious community that believes in one God. Sikhs have a set of beliefs and practices that are similar to other religions. However, they have their own set of rules that is unique to them.

Hinduism is the fastest growing religion in Australia
Hinduism is the fastest growing religion in Australia – Golden temple photo

Sikhism has also been growing within Australia at a good pace. Sikhs population within Australia at different times –

1996 – 12000

2001 – 17400

2006 – 26400

2011 – 72300

2016 – 125900

2021 – 210400

The rise of Sikhism can also be contributed to the migration of Sikhs from India.


Buddhism is another major religion practiced in India. It was founded by Siddhartha Gautama (a follower of Vedic Hinduism), who lived from the 6th century BC to 463 BC.

Hinduism is the fastest growing religion in Australia
Buddhism – Hinduism is the fastest growing religion in Australia

Buddhist population within Australia at different times –

1996 – 199800

2001 – 357800

2006 – 418800

2011 – 529000

2016 – 563700

2021 – 615800


“Islam” is a religion that revolves around one main concept – the “shahadah”, or the profession of faith made by the believer. The shahadah is a simple statement of belief that can be understood by anyone. It can be recited by anyone, at any time, and in any language. The shahadah also has an important meaning to it: it represents our willingness to submit to God, and consequently our willingness to obey him. In this way, we become part of his creation: his servants and his vicegerents on earth. Therefore, we are obliged to submit ourselves to him because he gave us life; he gave us life because he created us.

Muslim population within Australia at different times –

1996 – 200900

2001 – 281600

2006 – 340400

2011 – 476300

2016 – 604200

2021 – 813400

Most Frequently asked questions on the internet:

What is the fastest growing religion in Australia 2021-2022?

Currently, it is Hinduism is the fastest growing religion in Australia. Hinduism is the fastest growing religion in Australia 2020 year and even in a few previous years.

Frequently asked questions about religions in Australia

People also ask these questions on the internet. so let us answer them.

Is Islam increasing in Australia?

Yes, Islam has increased to 3.2 % of the total population of Australia as 813400 people identify themselves as Muslims in 2021. It was the year 1996 when 200,900 people Identify themselves as Muslim. This has increased to 340400 Muslims in 2006, 476300 in 2011, 604200 in 2016, and 813400 Muslims in 2021.

What are the top 5 religions in Australia?

  1. Christianity (43.9%)
  2. Islam (3.2 %) 
  3. Hinduism (2.7 %)
  4. Buddhism (2.4%) 
  5. Sikhism (0.8%)

What is the fastest growing religion in New Zealand?

The fastest growing religion in New Zealand is Hinduism. Hindus are 2.6 5% of the total New Zealand population according to the Census of 2018 which was conducted in New Zealand.

What is Australia’s fastest growing religion since 2006?

Hinduism is Australia’s fastest growing religion since 2006. This is mainly because of the immigration that is taking place from countries like India and Nepal to Australia.


The global Hindu population is growing rapidly and Hinduism is expected to be the fastest growing religion in Australia and the world in future decades. The same trend of the rising Hindu population can be seen in Australia.

All of this data has been taken from the Australia census 2021 and statistics data before that which has been released by the Australian government. Please share this article with your friends and family.

Vikas Duhan
Vikas Duhan
I am Vikas Duhan, founder and author of Times Yug. My goal is to provide you with the latest and most informative articles on Technology, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Business, Auto, and more. Follow Times Yug for the latest updates on such topics.

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